Naruto: Shadow War
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Jutsu Rules

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:55 am by The Lorekeeper

Jutsu Base Damage By Rank:

  • E-Rank Damage: 5
  • D-Rank Damage: 10
  • C-Rank Damage: 20
  • B-Rank Damage: 30
  • A-Rank Damage: 50
  • S-Rank Damage: 75
  • SS-Rank Damage: 100

Damage may be increased to up to double the base amount before modifiers are applied, however, each point added onto the Damage will cost an additional point in Stamina and for every increase of 1/4th over the base amount the number of posts …

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Thread Rules Empty Thread Rules

Post by The Lorekeeper Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:53 am

"How would you like to share your story?"

Thread Tags:

Thread Tags are prefixes added to the title of a Thread which denotes what type of Thread is being made, as well as allowing others to see who is allowed to join if they are interested in doing so. Following these Tags is required, refusing to heed a valid Tag will result in a void of any posts made and attempting to ignore Tags on multiple occasions may lead to punitive action.

[Private] [Private] Threads are Threads which prevent those not personally invited by the creator of the Thread from entering the Thread. Private Threads must be created, however, in an area where a reasonable amount of privacy such as a character's home, hideout, home village, etc. If a Private Thread is created in an area which they are not able to create such Threads, the creator of the Thread will be asked to remove the Tag - otherwise, a member of Staff will do so to avoid confusion.

Private Threads may also be called [Group], [Invite Only], [Clan], or [Squad] threads depending on who it is intended that the Thread be restricted to and the personal preference of the creator.

[Training] Training Threads denote a Thread which is dedicated to a character or character(s) learning Techniques, KKG, or Jutsu. A Training Thread may also be used to gain Stats as well as to Retrain these Stats if desired. Training Threads must consist of at least 50% of the total Thread in actual Training of the Technique, KKH, or Jutsu being learned. If multiple Techniques, Jutsu, or KKG are being trained then so long as the total Thread is at least 50% training these Jutsu, they can be given individually as little or as much attention as the creator desires.

Training Threads also receives a reduced Wordcount for the purpose of training Stats, more information on which can be found in the Rank Information Thread which goes into detail on the Wordcount requirement for gaining Stats. It is also important to mention that Wordcount used to Train KKG, Jutsu or Techniques can not be used to also train Stats. These are always calculated separately.

[Open] An Open Thread Tag denotes a Thread which is open to any individual who is in the area of the created Thread to join, no matter their affiliation, intention, or otherwise.

[No-Kill] No-Kill Threads are those which intend to have Combat of some sort within the Thread, however, do not want any of the participants involved to risk death in doing so. In a No-Kill Thread, the use of Techniques, Jutsu or KKG which would either permanently harm or kill the target are not allowed. No-Kill Threads cannot be created outside of your village borders, hideout, or character's home.

[Death Enabled] Death Enabled Threads are the opposite of No-Kill Threads, they signal that any participant in the Thread may be fatally wounded or killed at any time. Any Thread made outside of your village borders, hideout, or character home are automatically considered to be [Death Enabled].

[Mature] Mature Threads are Threads which contain or reference material that is inappropriate for audiences below 18+ years of age. Examples of content which requires a Mature tag would be: Sexually referential content, use of Substances or heavy consumption of alcohol, Extreme Violence, among other things. If your Thread becomes Mature through the course of Roleplay you will be asked to add the [Mature] tag.

Keep in mind that even within [Mature] Threads you may not post explicitly detailed content regarding: Gore, Torture, Sexual Content or content which could be disturbing or otherwise trigger sensitive or younger users. If you wish to allude to these themes, you may, although there must be a "fade to black" which takes place during the actual event.

Refusal to abide by either of these rules regarding Mature Content will result in deletion of the Thread in question. Repeat offenses will result in a Ban from the forum or removal from the Discord Server.

[Travel] Travel threads simply denote a Thread which displays the intent of a character to travel to another area, as well as the actual Travel to this other area itself. Travel Threads are considered Open, however, only to those who have the Reaction Speed required to see the character in question.

[Mission] These are Threads created with the intention of performing a Mission. The Mission itself must be linked by the creator of the Thread in the first post, and the Thread must be created in the area required by the Mission itself.

[Event] Only Staff may create a Thread marked as an Event Thread. These threads may either involve an important Event happening in the world or allusion to such events. These Threads are always considered Open and Death Enabled, and have no requirements to join other than the character in question being in the area of the Thread.

The Lorekeeper
The Lorekeeper

Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-08-25

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