Naruto: Shadow War
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Jutsu Rules

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:55 am by The Lorekeeper

Jutsu Base Damage By Rank:

  • E-Rank Damage: 5
  • D-Rank Damage: 10
  • C-Rank Damage: 20
  • B-Rank Damage: 30
  • A-Rank Damage: 50
  • S-Rank Damage: 75
  • SS-Rank Damage: 100

Damage may be increased to up to double the base amount before modifiers are applied, however, each point added onto the Damage will cost an additional point in Stamina and for every increase of 1/4th over the base amount the number of posts …

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Jinchuriki List



Hitomi Nagai






Hitomi Nagai

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Hitomi Nagai Empty Hitomi Nagai

Post by Hitomi Nagai Sat Sep 21, 2019 5:58 am

Name: Hitomi Nagai
Alias: 暗い炎 Kurai Hono  (lit. Dark Flame)
Age:  25
Gender: Female
Village: Hakagakure
Rank: Jounin

Element(s): Fire, Lightning
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Positive Traits:

  • [Jinchuriki] Loner: Training Solo gives the same benefits as Combat/Training threads which normally require at least 1 additional player.
  • [Free] Flames Of Passion: Techniques and Jutsu which utilize the Fire element have their Damage increased by 1/4th regardless of rank.

Negative Traits:

  • [Jinchuriki] Ostracized: As a result of their often loner-centric lifestyle and the fact that they are typically shunned by the community at large, all WC gains from threads which are not Solo or do not include their Squad/Team/Group are reduced by 1/2.



Hitomi is at her core, an individual who views herself more highly than others and furthermore sees herself as being more intelligent, sensible, or otherwise keen in some respect than her compatriots. More often than not, Hitomi will be willing to place others into either proverbial or literal danger in order to save herself - even if the individual in question is an ally of hers. This ruthlessness is somewhat offset by an elegant manner of speech and stunning appearance that often serves as more than well enough of a distraction against those who may be wary of someone with such a history as her, further allowing for manipulation of others to get anything that she desires at that moment or to place herself into a more advantageous position.

Hitomi will often endear herself to superiors by assuring them of her deference to them through flattery and humbling mannerisms such as speaking to them with formal honorifics or bowing to them as a show of respect. Although to those she is not capable of endearing herself to, she will instead act distant if not somewhat cold yet maintain her front of humbling herself around them, if not with a hint of contempt in how she does so. Primarily, she focuses on those she is capable of winning over with flattery and flowery words and continues allowing them to grow close to her until they have either fulfilled their purpose or they are no longer useful to her in some way or another. Those who no longer serve a purpose are, in her eyes, not deserving of any semblance of respect or empathy and she will readily dispose of these individuals in any way that is possible or simply choose to sever her ties with them if the former is not an option.

Toward those who are not allies or future allies in some form or another, Hitomi allows her cold and ruthless nature to truly show; having no qualms about killing them in any manner of brutal or simplistic fashion. It is perhaps because of this lack of empathy toward those who are not her allies that Hitomi has been rather successful in her career within Hakagakure, even as a Jinchuriki and as a shinobi that above the average age of other individuals entering her position.


Before The War

Hitomi had been chosen as the Jinchuriki for the Four-Tails shortly after her birth, being chosen as a candidate mainly due to her Clan's history and a belief that she had been born with some sort of connection to the particular beast's power. What this connection was, or what it was capable of, were not quite understood yet the decision remain made as there were few other newborns born to a Clan within the Village that had similar abilities or supposed connections. Furthering the theory of some sort of mystical connection, Hitomi had been born under a red moon which the Clan had taken to mean the girl had a deep and raw power within her that could only be harnessed by the amount of Chakra that a Tailed Beast as capable of providing.

After being sealed with the Tailed Beast, Hitomi was then chosen to be given to a family which themselves specialized in knowledge on the Tailed Beasts as well as the techniques required to Seal them in the event that Hitomi was the victim of an unfortunate accident if found to be a child which would be too troublesome to make a proper weapon for the Village.

Thankfully for Hitomi, she would learn throughout her early childhood how to repeat things which her older caretakers and instructors liked to hear and do such in a way that appeared convincing if nothing else. She would apply this knowledge early on in finding ways to convince her elders to give the young girl what she wanted at that particular moment by believing that it was their decision to do so and not something that was done based on Hitomi having asked. During the Academy would prove to be the first time in which Hitomi learned that the others around her could be used as stepping-stones in order to further herself. She had discovered this by carefully observing her fellow classmates and observing in which areas each individual was weak in and then using this knowledge in order to have them give her knowledge in a subject she herself was having trouble with in exchange for the same in kind, however, she would often give falsified information that resulted in either injury or failure of some sort while she herself continued to excel.

She would go on to graduate the Academy and continue with many of the same tactics during her Genin years, however, now beginning to use the information she gained from watching her "Teammates" in order to either turn them against one another when beneficial to her, or to easily defeat them whenever a spar or similar event occurred. Even during the Chuunin Exams, she would lull her opponents into a false sense of security with her gentle voice and outward appearance, before then ruthlessly dispatching them the moment that their guard was let down, allowing for a rather decisive promotion.

The Last Great Shinobi War:

It would not be until several years into her rather Chuunin Career, which had been uneventful thus far, that the Last Shinobi War would begin and she was finally given an opportunity to put her natural talents of deception and manipulation to the use of her Village which would ask Hitomi to serve as a spy by infiltrating Konohagakure and provide vital information regarding their current actions, future plans, or any other information which was important in some way to the war effort. This assignment was something which Hitomi had taken great pleasure in, giving herself the pseudonym of "Kurai Hono" or "Dark-Flame" and entering the Village under the guise of being a Missing Ninja which had defected from her true Village of Hakagakure and would give some details of minor importance regarding the placement of certain shinobi in order to serve as proof for her story.

As a Spy, Hitomi quickly worked herself into the good graces of her newfound superiors and would go on to work alongside them in many of the important assaults and battles of the War all while giving advanced notice of each and every attack to her own Village so that preparations could be made in the event that Konohagakure attempted to attack Hakagakure directly. It was only after the destruction of both Kirigakure and Kumogakure that her handlers had apparently decided that it was no longer feasible to continue on with the charade and would order her to return back home, however, she would not do so before taking the life of one of the ANBU within Konohagakure and returning to Hakagakure with their head as a trophy and display of her loyalty.

The Aftermath:

It was perhaps either for this, or her loyalty to Hakagakure during the War, that Hitomi found herself being awarded the title of Jounin shortly after the ceasefire had been declared and the dust had begun to settle.

After the War, Hitomi has decided to remain in her home Village and attempt to climb further in the Ranks mainly through carrying out risky Missions involving subterfuge or sabotage in some manner or another as these are Missions in which she seems to particularly excel at. Although it is noted that even in Missions that involve more direct confrontations with enemies even those of similar strength to herself, Hitomi is able to accomplish the goal nearly all of the time and even in the events she is unsuccessful has thus far continued to return to her Village each and every time, in varying stages of injury.

Hitomi has no desire to completely take over her Village, however, she instead wishes to serve as a sort of second-in-command to whomever eventually is chosen as its Kage and intends to leverage such a position to achieve whatever task or simply fancy that strikes her at the moment. Ruling from the spotlight is not something which Hitomi has much interest in doing, as so much attention often results in the wrong kind of attention, and in her experience, that often means becoming the next target for someone even stronger than yourself.

Tailed Beast: Four-Tails
Hitomi Nagai
Hitomi Nagai
New User

Posts : 5
Join date : 2019-09-21

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Hitomi Nagai Empty Re: Hitomi Nagai

Post by Shou Sat Sep 21, 2019 2:12 pm

Hitomi Nagai wrote:Name: Hitomi Nagai
Alias: 暗い炎 Kurai Hono  (lit. Dark Flame)
Age:  25
Gender: Female
Village: Hakagakure
Rank: Jounin

Element(s): Fire, Lightning
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Positive Traits:

  • [Jinchuriki] Loner: Training Solo gives the same benefits as Combat/Training threads which normally require at least 1 additional player.
  • [Free] Flames Of Passion: Techniques and Jutsu which utilize the Fire element have their Damage increased by 1/4th regardless of rank.

Negative Traits:

  • [Jinchuriki] Ostracized: As a result of their often loner-centric lifestyle and the fact that they are typically shunned by the community at large, all WC gains from threads which are not Solo or do not include their Squad/Team/Group are reduced by 1/2.



Hitomi is at her core, an individual who views herself more highly than others and furthermore sees herself as being more intelligent, sensible, or otherwise keen in some respect than her compatriots. More often than not, Hitomi will be willing to place others into either proverbial or literal danger in order to save herself - even if the individual in question is an ally of hers. This ruthlessness is somewhat offset by an elegant manner of speech and stunning appearance that often serves as more than well enough of a distraction against those who may be wary of someone with such a history as her, further allowing for manipulation of others to get anything that she desires at that moment or to place herself into a more advantageous position.

Hitomi will often endear herself to superiors by assuring them of her deference to them through flattery and humbling mannerisms such as speaking to them with formal honorifics or bowing to them as a show of respect. Although to those she is not capable of endearing herself to, she will instead act distant if not somewhat cold yet maintain her front of humbling herself around them, if not with a hint of contempt in how she does so. Primarily, she focuses on those she is capable of winning over with flattery and flowery words and continues allowing them to grow close to her until they have either fulfilled their purpose or they are no longer useful to her in some way or another. Those who no longer serve a purpose are, in her eyes, not deserving of any semblance of respect or empathy and she will readily dispose of these individuals in any way that is possible or simply choose to sever her ties with them if the former is not an option.

Toward those who are not allies or future allies in some form or another, Hitomi allows her cold and ruthless nature to truly show; having no qualms about killing them in any manner of brutal or simplistic fashion. It is perhaps because of this lack of empathy toward those who are not her allies that Hitomi has been rather successful in her career within Hakagakure, even as a Jinchuriki and as a shinobi that above the average age of other individuals entering her position.


Before The War

Hitomi had been chosen as the Jinchuriki for the Four-Tails shortly after her birth, being chosen as a candidate mainly due to her Clan's history and a belief that she had been born with some sort of connection to the particular beast's power. What this connection was, or what it was capable of, were not quite understood yet the decision remain made as there were few other newborns born to a Clan within the Village that had similar abilities or supposed connections. Furthering the theory of some sort of mystical connection, Hitomi had been born under a red moon which the Clan had taken to mean the girl had a deep and raw power within her that could only be harnessed by the amount of Chakra that a Tailed Beast as capable of providing.

After being sealed with the Tailed Beast, Hitomi was then chosen to be given to a family which themselves specialized in knowledge on the Tailed Beasts as well as the techniques required to Seal them in the event that Hitomi was the victim of an unfortunate accident if found to be a child which would be too troublesome to make a proper weapon for the Village.

Thankfully for Hitomi, she would learn throughout her early childhood how to repeat things which her older caretakers and instructors liked to hear and do such in a way that appeared convincing if nothing else. She would apply this knowledge early on in finding ways to convince her elders to give the young girl what she wanted at that particular moment by believing that it was their decision to do so and not something that was done based on Hitomi having asked. During the Academy would prove to be the first time in which Hitomi learned that the others around her could be used as stepping-stones in order to further herself. She had discovered this by carefully observing her fellow classmates and observing in which areas each individual was weak in and then using this knowledge in order to have them give her knowledge in a subject she herself was having trouble with in exchange for the same in kind, however, she would often give falsified information that resulted in either injury or failure of some sort while she herself continued to excel.

She would go on to graduate the Academy and continue with many of the same tactics during her Genin years, however, now beginning to use the information she gained from watching her "Teammates" in order to either turn them against one another when beneficial to her, or to easily defeat them whenever a spar or similar event occurred. Even during the Chuunin Exams, she would lull her opponents into a false sense of security with her gentle voice and outward appearance, before then ruthlessly dispatching them the moment that their guard was let down, allowing for a rather decisive promotion.

The Last Great Shinobi War:

It would not be until several years into her rather Chuunin Career, which had been uneventful thus far, that the Last Shinobi War would begin and she was finally given an opportunity to put her natural talents of deception and manipulation to the use of her Village which would ask Hitomi to serve as a spy by infiltrating Konohagakure and provide vital information regarding their current actions, future plans, or any other information which was important in some way to the war effort. This assignment was something which Hitomi had taken great pleasure in, giving herself the pseudonym of "Kurai Hono" or "Dark-Flame" and entering the Village under the guise of being a Missing Ninja which had defected from her true Village of Hakagakure and would give some details of minor importance regarding the placement of certain shinobi in order to serve as proof for her story.

As a Spy, Hitomi quickly worked herself into the good graces of her newfound superiors and would go on to work alongside them in many of the important assaults and battles of the War all while giving advanced notice of each and every attack to her own Village so that preparations could be made in the event that Konohagakure attempted to attack Hakagakure directly. It was only after the destruction of both Kirigakure and Kumogakure that her handlers had apparently decided that it was no longer feasible to continue on with the charade and would order her to return back home, however, she would not do so before taking the life of one of the ANBU within Konohagakure and returning to Hakagakure with their head as a trophy and display of her loyalty.

The Aftermath:

It was perhaps either for this, or her loyalty to Hakagakure during the War, that Hitomi found herself being awarded the title of Jounin shortly after the ceasefire had been declared and the dust had begun to settle.

After the War, Hitomi has decided to remain in her home Village and attempt to climb further in the Ranks mainly through carrying out risky Missions involving subterfuge or sabotage in some manner or another as these are Missions in which she seems to particularly excel at. Although it is noted that even in Missions that involve more direct confrontations with enemies even those of similar strength to herself, Hitomi is able to accomplish the goal nearly all of the time and even in the events she is unsuccessful has thus far continued to return to her Village each and every time, in varying stages of injury.

Hitomi has no desire to completely take over her Village, however, she instead wishes to serve as a sort of second-in-command to whomever eventually is chosen as its Kage and intends to leverage such a position to achieve whatever task or simply fancy that strikes her at the moment. Ruling from the spotlight is not something which Hitomi has much interest in doing, as so much attention often results in the wrong kind of attention, and in her experience, that often means becoming the next target for someone even stronger than yourself.

Tailed Beast: Four-Tails



Posts : 9
Join date : 2019-08-14

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