Naruto: Shadow War
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Jutsu Rules

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:55 am by The Lorekeeper

Jutsu Base Damage By Rank:

  • E-Rank Damage: 5
  • D-Rank Damage: 10
  • C-Rank Damage: 20
  • B-Rank Damage: 30
  • A-Rank Damage: 50
  • S-Rank Damage: 75
  • SS-Rank Damage: 100

Damage may be increased to up to double the base amount before modifiers are applied, however, each point added onto the Damage will cost an additional point in Stamina and for every increase of 1/4th over the base amount the number of posts …

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Hitomi Nagai






Nakano Shibuya

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Nakano Shibuya Empty Nakano Shibuya

Post by Nakano Shibuya Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:39 pm

Name: Nakano Shibuya
Alias: The Hyena
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Village: Missing Ninja (Ketsuekigakure)
Rank: C-Rank Missing Ninja

Element(s): Wind (Primary)
Specialization: Bukijutsu (Primary)

Positive Traits:

  • [Free] A Shadow At Midnight:
    Sensory Techniques are 1/4th less effective in Detection Range when used on Nakano.

  • Sharpened Daggers:
    Bukijutsu utilizing Kunai or Daggers have an increase of 10 to their Piercing Stat (if applicable).

Negative Traits:

  • Small Frame:
    Strength counts as 10 points lower for the purposes of Physical Attacks (including those with Weaponry which do not utilize Chakra)



Due to having been raised in the aftermath of the destruction of Kirigakure as well as the Last Shinobi War, Nakano has faced a large amount of turmoil and unfortunate circumstances during her early childhood that have resulted in her personality and social skills developing poorly, especially after being taken in by the Umbral Hands founder and then going on to be raised within an environment comprised completely of killers for hire and other unsavory individuals.

She was never taught how to behave as a normal child would, instead, she was trained and raised entirely on how to become an effective killer and would develop several personality quirks as a result of this, such as the reason for her nickname which is that she often laughs at irrational or inappropriate times. She also has several other odd habits including a fascination with blood, a lack of empathy toward others, as well as most notably her love for the 'art' of killing and taking a great amount of pride and joy in the Contracts which she completes.

It is unknown whether or not Nakano is capable of behaving normally, as she has never been taken out of her home environment long enough to make a determined judgment on the matter and lacks an apparent desire to do so due to her aforementioned enjoyment of the life in which her foster family had raised her. However, she does show the occasional glimmer of an ordinary child beneath her oddities and sadistic tendencies, although these glimpses into her other side are few and far between and seem to be perhaps even subconscious to Nakano herself.


Nakano was raised during the early years following the Last Shinobi War and the destruction and subsequent rebuilding of the former Kirigakure - now Ketsuekigakure. As her birth family had been killed during the Invasion, Nakano was adopted by a Missing Ninja who had founded the Umbral Hands, with her adopted Father quickly inducting the young girl into the Umbral Hands way of life and teaching her how to properly wield a knife as well as how to properly use the same knife against anyone who got in her way. The training gave Nakano a sense of purpose and the pride which her adopted Father showed toward her progress seemed to urge the young girl on further and further until she was being accepted as an Initiate at the young age of thirteen.

Despite her young age, Nakano assisted her Father obediently and enthusiastically when it came to fulfilling Contracts, enjoying the sense of pride and accomplishment she felt in tracking down a Target and eliminating them most of the time even before they had suspected a thing. Hardly anyone seemed to suspect the young girl, no matter how many scars she gained over the course of her tenure as an Assassin - it was as if she were invisible to the world, just a child that could not possibly be of any harm to anyone, no matter how incorrect that may have actually been.

Even as her Father received a mortal wound and was confined to bed-rest, Nakano continued to fulfill Contracts in his name and eagerly seek out potential new recruits to the Faction as her Father showered the young girl with praise for so quickly having managed to fit into the life of an Assassin and not only that, fitting into the role which he had occupied as the Guild's leader. It was due to her sincere enjoyment of the work, along with her Fathers sentimentality, that he had left the position of Head to Nakano once he eventually passed away a short year later.

Now a year following her Father's death, Nakano continues to learn and grow as an Assassin while managing the Umbral Hands from the shadows without yet revealing that the change of leadership had even occurred, with only the Arms of the Guild having access to such knowledge - yet they themselves are bound to secrecy on the matter. She hopes to grow stronger still, and one day even intends to reveal the change in leadership to all members of the Guild.

For now, she chooses to continue on with the illusion of presenting herself under her Father's name on official matters, however, she is not afraid of revealing herself to Clients who she particularly wishes to frighten or shock in some manner. To the world at large, Nakano tries to ensure she is seen as just another little girl who you could pass by in the Village without batting an eye while at the same time becoming a more and more powerful assassin until she is capable of meeting her aforementioned goal while also holding hope that doing so will make her Father proud of her, wherever it is that he may be now.
Nakano Shibuya
Nakano Shibuya
C-Rank MN

Posts : 4
Join date : 2019-09-17

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Nakano Shibuya Empty Re: Nakano Shibuya

Post by Shou Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:30 pm

Nakano Shibuya wrote:Name: Nakano Shibuya
Alias: The Hyena
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Village: Missing Ninja (Ketsuekigakure)
Rank: C-Rank Missing Ninja

Element(s): Wind (Primary)
Specialization: Bukijutsu (Primary)

Positive Traits:

  • [Free] A Shadow At Midnight:
    Sensory Techniques are 1/4th less effective in Detection Range when used on Nakano.

  • Sharpened Daggers:
    Bukijutsu utilizing Kunai or Daggers have an increase of 10 to their Piercing Stat (if applicable).

Negative Traits:

  • Small Frame:
    Strength counts as 10 points lower for the purposes of Physical Attacks (including those with Weaponry which do not utilize Chakra)



Due to having been raised in the aftermath of the destruction of Kirigakure as well as the Last Shinobi War, Nakano has faced a large amount of turmoil and unfortunate circumstances during her early childhood that have resulted in her personality and social skills developing poorly, especially after being taken in by the Umbral Hands founder and then going on to be raised within an environment comprised completely of killers for hire and other unsavory individuals.

She was never taught how to behave as a normal child would, instead, she was trained and raised entirely on how to become an effective killer and would develop several personality quirks as a result of this, such as the reason for her nickname which is that she often laughs at irrational or inappropriate times. She also has several other odd habits including a fascination with blood, a lack of empathy toward others, as well as most notably her love for the 'art' of killing and taking a great amount of pride and joy in the Contracts which she completes.

It is unknown whether or not Nakano is capable of behaving normally, as she has never been taken out of her home environment long enough to make a determined judgment on the matter and lacks an apparent desire to do so due to her aforementioned enjoyment of the life in which her foster family had raised her. However, she does show the occasional glimmer of an ordinary child beneath her oddities and sadistic tendencies, although these glimpses into her other side are few and far between and seem to be perhaps even subconscious to Nakano herself.


Nakano was raised during the early years following the Last Shinobi War and the destruction and subsequent rebuilding of the former Kirigakure - now Ketsuekigakure. As her birth family had been killed during the Invasion, Nakano was adopted by a Missing Ninja who had founded the Umbral Hands, with her adopted Father quickly inducting the young girl into the Umbral Hands way of life and teaching her how to properly wield a knife as well as how to properly use the same knife against anyone who got in her way. The training gave Nakano a sense of purpose and the pride which her adopted Father showed toward her progress seemed to urge the young girl on further and further until she was being accepted as an Initiate at the young age of thirteen.

Despite her young age, Nakano assisted her Father obediently and enthusiastically when it came to fulfilling Contracts, enjoying the sense of pride and accomplishment she felt in tracking down a Target and eliminating them most of the time even before they had suspected a thing. Hardly anyone seemed to suspect the young girl, no matter how many scars she gained over the course of her tenure as an Assassin - it was as if she were invisible to the world, just a child that could not possibly be of any harm to anyone, no matter how incorrect that may have actually been.

Even as her Father received a mortal wound and was confined to bed-rest, Nakano continued to fulfill Contracts in his name and eagerly seek out potential new recruits to the Faction as her Father showered the young girl with praise for so quickly having managed to fit into the life of an Assassin and not only that, fitting into the role which he had occupied as the Guild's leader. It was due to her sincere enjoyment of the work, along with her Fathers sentimentality, that he had left the position of Head to Nakano once he eventually passed away a short year later.

Now a year following her Father's death, Nakano continues to learn and grow as an Assassin while managing the Umbral Hands from the shadows without yet revealing that the change of leadership had even occurred, with only the Arms of the Guild having access to such knowledge - yet they themselves are bound to secrecy on the matter. She hopes to grow stronger still, and one day even intends to reveal the change in leadership to all members of the Guild.

For now, she chooses to continue on with the illusion of presenting herself under her Father's name on official matters, however, she is not afraid of revealing herself to Clients who she particularly wishes to frighten or shock in some manner. To the world at large, Nakano tries to ensure she is seen as just another little girl who you could pass by in the Village without batting an eye while at the same time becoming a more and more powerful assassin until she is capable of meeting her aforementioned goal while also holding hope that doing so will make her Father proud of her, wherever it is that he may be now.



Posts : 9
Join date : 2019-08-14

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