Naruto: Shadow War
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Jutsu Rules

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:55 am by The Lorekeeper

Jutsu Base Damage By Rank:

  • E-Rank Damage: 5
  • D-Rank Damage: 10
  • C-Rank Damage: 20
  • B-Rank Damage: 30
  • A-Rank Damage: 50
  • S-Rank Damage: 75
  • SS-Rank Damage: 100

Damage may be increased to up to double the base amount before modifiers are applied, however, each point added onto the Damage will cost an additional point in Stamina and for every increase of 1/4th over the base amount the number of posts …

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Specializations Empty Specializations

Post by The Lorekeeper Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:23 am

"Think carefully, what is it that draws you in more than anything else?"


Specializations, or "Specs" as they are more commonly referred to as, are unique areas of expertise which one shinobi excels in beyond others. Spec Slots will be unlocked as the character progresses in Rank and allow for the individual to grant themselves bonuses toward a certain type or area of Technique or Jutsu which they plan on utilizing more often than others. The following is a list of available Specializations as well as a short description of which each entails:

  • Ninjutsu:
    Ninjutsu is the most common Specializations among shinobi and refers to the art of utilizing the natural Chakra present within oneself to perform various Jutsu and Techniques which go far above and beyond the capabilities of non-shinobi, such as creating balls of flame through molding Fire Chakra and breathing it out of the user's body.

  • Taijutsu:
    Refers to Techniques and Jutsu which focus purely upon performing feats of great physical prowess, often such Techniques revolve around empowering the user's strikes with Chakra to deliver a more powerful attack - however, the possibilities are only limited by what one is capable of with their current physical body.

  • Kenjutsu:
    Refers specifically to the art of utilizing swords in combat, unlike Bukijutsu which focuses upon the usage of various weapons and ninja tools. This Specialization is favored by samurai and other similar groups. Usage of Chakra is optional in conjunction with Techniques of this type, however, combining the two allows for the possibility of ending an encounter even more swiftly than without.

  • Bukijutsu:
    Refers to the art of utilizing Weaponry in combat, such as the Shuriken and Kunai. Unlike Kenjutsu which focuses strictly upon one weapon, Bukijutsu allows for the user to train with and utilize multiple types of weapons allowing for them to be incredibly versatile in combat.

  • Genjutsu:
    The illusory arts, Genjutsu refers to the creation and manipulation of illusions and the ability to alter the mental state of a target with sufficient practice. Techniques from this Specialization often revolve around deception, however, they are capable of other uses such as reading the mind of a target or even implanting false memories or feelings into another individual given the practice that a particular user has.

  • Medicial-Ninjutsu:
    The art of Medical Ninjutsu refers to utilizing Chakra and special Techniques to heal other shinobi or oneself. These techniques can range from simply repairing small cuts and bruises to more impressive feats such as the revival of the recently deceased.

  • Sensory Ninjutsu:
    The Sensory Arts are those which focus exclusively upon the detection, or prevention of detection, of shinobi. These may be techniques such as Chakra Suppression which allow for the user to more effectively remain hidden from enemies, or techniques such as the Mind's Eye Of The Kagura which allow for an extensive range of tracking as well as the ability to discern lies through a minute change in one's Chakra.

  • Space-Time Ninjutsu:
    The art of Space-Time Ninjutsu refers to the ability to either manipulate or otherwise utilize the fabric of Space and Time itself to gain an advantage or perform a technique which would otherwise seem and be impossible. Space-Time is difficult to understand and to study due to the complexity involved, however, those who do master such are capable of amazing and bewildering feats.

  • Puppetry:
    Puppetry refers to the usage of Chakra Strings or other similar methods to control often inert Equipment known as Puppets which can be utilized for various means ranging from directly attacking via weapons crafted onto the Puppet or utilized to perform Jutsu at ranges not typically possible by the user. Use of Chakra Strings on Humans and Corpses is possible, however, it is widely banned in its usage among the civilized shinobi nations.

  • Kinjutsu:
    Literally "Forbidden Techniques", Specializing in Kinjutsu involves learning about such techniques for either the purposes of studying and countering them or to practice or create similar techniques. Techniques considered "Kinjutsu" often are those which fundamentally go against the laws of nature, or are intended to cause immense suffering; examples of such techniques being the Impure World Resurrection Technique and the art of Cursed Seals which often cause great harm to those who bear them in an arbitrary manner decided by their creator.

    It is required to have this Spec to learn or Create any Kinjutsu, regardless of what Rank the character is capable of learning in Specs outside ones currently owned.

  • Fuuinjutsu:
    Fuuinjutsu is the art of sealing objects, chakra, or even living beings within other objects. This is often done through the use of scrolls, however, it may also involve living beings such as in the case of Jinchuriki. When these techniques are used, a marking will appear on the object being sealed in the form of Kanji, Formulae, or some other symbol to distinguish the sealed object or individual from an ordinary one.

Gaining and Retraining Specs:

After reaching the appropriate Rank and unlocking a Spec Slot, you will need to choose which Spec to Train and do so in a Training Thread, with the Wordcount requirement for learning these Specs increasing with each additional Spec that you learn and Retraining also progressively increasing in price.

Wordcount Costs:

  • Primary Specialization: 2,500 Wordcount
  • Secondary Specialization: 5,000 Wordcount
  • Tertiary Specialization: 10,000 Wordcount
  • Retraining Tertiary Specialization: 15,000 Wordcount
  • Retraining Secondary Specialization: 20,000 Wordcount
  • Retraining Primary Specialization: 30,000 Wordcount

Note: Upon Retraining a Spec, you will lose access to Jutsu of the previous Spec which you are no longer qualified for, however, you may refund this old Jutsu for half of their original Wordcount Cost.

Specs and Jutsu:
Specializations, as they represent what a Character is skilled at, affect the Wordcount required from Jutsu and Techniques of the corresponding Spec dependant upon whether the Spec in question is the Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Spec of the Character. Furthermore, Specializations affect the highest level of Technique or Jutsu that a Character is capable of using within a given field.

The only exception to this is that in a Training Thread with a teacher who is at least two ranks above the Character in question, wherein the Character may be taught a Technique one Rank higher than that which they are ordinarily capable of learning in that given field.

Maximum Learnable Rank:

  • Primary Specialization: Up to SS-Rank
  • Secondary Specialization: Up to A-Rank
  • Tertiary Specialization: Up to B-Rank
  • Outside of Specialization: Up to C-Rank.

Wordcount Cost Reduction:

  • Primary Specialization: 1/2 Wordcount Reduction.
  • Secondary Specialization: 1/3rd Wordcount Reduction.
  • Tertiary Specialization: 1/4th Wordcount Reduction.
  • Outside of Specialization: As listed normally.
The Lorekeeper
The Lorekeeper

Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-08-25

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