Naruto: Shadow War
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Jutsu Rules

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:55 am by The Lorekeeper

Jutsu Base Damage By Rank:

  • E-Rank Damage: 5
  • D-Rank Damage: 10
  • C-Rank Damage: 20
  • B-Rank Damage: 30
  • A-Rank Damage: 50
  • S-Rank Damage: 75
  • SS-Rank Damage: 100

Damage may be increased to up to double the base amount before modifiers are applied, however, each point added onto the Damage will cost an additional point in Stamina and for every increase of 1/4th over the base amount the number of posts …

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The Kamiyama

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The Kamiyama Empty The Kamiyama

Post by Sachiko Kamiyama Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:32 am


"Our faith is our shield."

The Kamiyama NSf3kGF

Vital Information:

Home Village: Yamagakure
Specialization: Medical Ninjutsu

Clan Details:


The Kamiyama Clan is one which focuses on studying and understanding the nature of Chakra, while also largely turning against the destructive methods of which the mystical force is used. Instead, the Kamiyama believe that Chakra is much better in being put to use in constructive and reparative methods rather than being used to outright harm and destroy. Furthermore, they believe that it is possible to commune with their Kami, or God, through prayer and extensive training in Chakra Control such that they can access the Pure Land under the right circumstances.

In practice, most Kamiyama will become Medical Shinobi or traveling Monks, trading their assistance for the chance to convert others to their faith and honorarily adopt devotees into their clan, addressing them as the appropriate honorific according to their relationship, age, and identity. For instance, a female Kamiyama may address another elder female as Elder Sister rather than simply by name. Although this practice is sometimes ignored for various reasons.

Although many choose to live pacifist lifestyles, many of the Kamiyama also train extensively in the art of Kenjutsu and Bukijutsu, believing that if they are well trained in both body and mind then the same fate cannot befall their village as it had once before. Those who dedicate themselves to the art of weaponry are referred to as "Komainu" in reference to lion statues which are often seen guarding shrines to ward off spirits.

The Clan itself had originally been a family of shrine caretakers and shrine guardians who, as a result of the abrupt and devastating events of the "Last Great Shinobi War" would find themselves forced to adopt a somewhat more lenient stance on the use of Ninjutsu Techniques used strictly in defense of others, as well as becoming more radicalized in their beliefs to the degree where a splinter group of the Clan has broken off culturally from the rest of their peaceful counterparts, choosing instead to spread their religious beliefs and traditions through a combination of fear, coercion, and violence. These individuals are still Kamiyama by birth, although they choose to go by the name "Chōwa" or "Harmony" as their intentions are to bring all individuals within their purview under a singular religious order.

The Kamiyama 1RPYwUp

The Harmony Sigil as it is known is a symbol worn by those who consider themselves part of the "Harmony" sect of the Kamiyama. It consists of four kunai, representing the Four Guardian Kings, with their blades outward and the handles intersecting on a point which has the Kanji for "Peace" displayed at its center. This Sigil can be worn in any manner that the wearer desires, either replacing or coinciding with the Kamiyama's main symbol. It is often worn on clothing or in the form of a metallic badge affixed to the clothing of the wearer, depending on how inconspicuous the individual in question wishes to be.

Fighting Style:

Although as mentioned previously many of the Kamiyama prefer to avoid conflict, those who are trained in the arts of combat or who believe they have no other choice but to fight in order to protect others or themselves, do indeed have their own style of combat. The Kamiyama, unlike most shinobi, train almost exclusively in Techniques which rely on strictly physical attributes with Chakra being utilized mainly for boosting effects or empowering certain Techniques. As a result of this, they are often able to outlast their opponents simply due to the fact that they are able to use their Chakra Reserves to restore their Stamina without worrying about needing the lost Chakra.

If a Kamiyama does choose to fight with Ninjutsu or related techniques, these are more often than not subtle Techniques that could be used from the shadows or otherwise be more difficult for the target to detect that they are being attacked in the first place. It is for this reason that the Kamiyama has a special fondness for Genjutsu techniques and allow these to be studied in circumstances where ordinary Ninjutsu is not allowed. However, it is worth noting that simply because the Kamiyama disapproves of utilizing Ninjutsu or related Techniques, this does not mean that a Kamiyama cannot ever utilize such techniques - merely they face the threat of being shunned by others within the Clan in doing so.

Many Kamiyama focus themselves, however, on the study of Kenjutsu and Taijutsu, with these schools being taught from a young age to a majority of those who are a part of the Clan. It is for this reason that most Kamiyama have not only gained a reputation as zealous religious figures but also as impressively strong and physically capable individuals despite their outward appearances.


As one may expect, most of the Kamiyama culture revolves around religion and the eternal debate within the Clan of whether or not their beliefs should be impressed upon others or if they should instead allow others to make the choice themselves to follow their spiritual advice. Aside from this, most of the difficulties that Kamiyama face when dealing with one another is the wide range of intensity at which other Kamiyama believe in their faith versus how much they believe that faith should be enforced on one another as well as others. This can lead rather predictably to Kamiyama singling one another out for being too lenient or too strict in regards to their beliefs and is partly to blame for the splintering of radical Kamiyama into the "Harmony" faction.

The Kamiyama believe in multiple Gods, although chief among these, they believe that a singular "Mother" is responsible for creating life on their planet as well as for gifting the inhabitants with the mystical force of Chakra. It is because of this belief that they see utilizing Chakra for destruction and death practically as a direct insult to this Kami, due to the fact that Chakra was in their minds originally intended for creation and sustenance rather than for the aforementioned ways.

More pious Kamiyama often begin their days with a prayer to a God or Gods of their choosing, providing a share of each meal in which they partake to a shrine devoted to the Gods in order to display their respect for these Gods. Prayer is then performed two more times during the day, once at midday and once at sunset as well as once during the night before the individual is to sleep. It is considered bad luck to stay up all night, however, as one would be forgoing one of their daily prayers and as a result could risk angering the Gods in some manner by doing so.

The Kamiyama address one another politely, even among those who disagree with one another, utilizing honorifics when appropriate and often referring to one another by familial titles as they do toward adopted members of the Clan. It is considered to be an extreme sign of disrespect and disdain for an individual to refuse addressing another Kamiyama by their name alone and such is reserved for those who the aggressor intends to fight at a point in the future.

The exception to this would be in regards to lovers and married individuals, who often refer to one another by first name alone yet perform a gesture of some sort such as a bow to show their intention of meaning no disrespect toward the recipient. One is also expected to bow or kneel before senior members of the Clan in reverence and refusing to do so can be seen as a challenge or perhaps a sign of outwardly being flirtatious with such an individual.

Navigating the many subtleties of interacting with a Kamiyama can be difficult at times due to their rather traditionalistic nature, however, it is fortunate that even though there is an ocean of undocumented minutia regarding Kamiyama customs that many of the less radical members of the Clan are more than willing to forgive a stranger for such faux-pas so long as they are willing to acknowledge their mistakes.
Sachiko Kamiyama
Sachiko Kamiyama

Posts : 6
Join date : 2019-09-05

Shinobi Profile
Rank: Kage
Village: Yamagakure
Ryo: 40,000

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The Kamiyama Empty Re: The Kamiyama

Post by Kino Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:16 am

Sachiko Kamiyama wrote:

"Our faith is our shield."

The Kamiyama NSf3kGF

Vital Information:

Home Village: Yamagakure
Specilization: Medical Ninjutsu

Clan Details:


The Kamiyama Clan is one which focuses on studying and understanding the nature of Chakra, while also largely turning against the destructive methods of which the mystical force is used. Instead, the Kamiyama believe that Chakra is much better in being put to use in constructive and reparative methods rather than being used to outright harm and destroy. Furthermore, they believe that it is possible to commune with their Kami, or God, through prayer and extensive training in Chakra Control such that they can access the Pure Land under the right circumstances.

In practice, most Kamiyama will become Medical Shinobi or traveling Monks, trading their assistance for the chance to convert others to their faith and honorarily adopt devotees into their clan, addressing them as the appropriate honorific according to their relationship, age, and identity. For instance, a female Kamiyama may address another elder female as Elder Sister rather than simply by name. Although this practice is sometimes ignored for various reasons.

Although many choose to live pacifist lifestyles, many of the Kamiyama also train extensively in the art of Kenjutsu and Bukijutsu, believing that if they are well trained in both body and mind then the same fate cannot befall their village as it had once before. Those who dedicate themselves to the art of weaponry are referred to as "Komainu" in reference to lion statues which are often seen guarding shrines to ward off spirits.

The Clan itself had originally been a family of shrine caretakers and shrine guardians who, as a result of the abrupt and devastating events of the "Last Great Shinobi War" would find themselves forced to adopt a somewhat more lenient stance on the use of Ninjutsu Techniques used strictly in defense of others, as well as becoming more radicalized in their beliefs to the degree where a splinter group of the Clan has broken off culturally from the rest of their peaceful counterparts, choosing instead to spread their religious beliefs and traditions through a combination of fear, coercion, and violence. These individuals are still Kamiyama by birth, although they choose to go by the name "Chōwa" or "Harmony" as their intentions are to bring all individuals within their purview under a singular religious order.

The Kamiyama 1RPYwUp

The Harmony Sigil as it is known is a symbol worn by those who consider themselves part of the "Harmony" sect of the Kamiyama. It consists of four kunai, representing the Four Guardian Kings, with their blades outward and the handles intersecting on a point which has the Kanji for "Peace" displayed at its center. This Sigil can be worn in any manner that the wearer desires, either replacing or coinciding with the Kamiyama's main symbol. It is often worn on clothing or in the form of a metallic badge affixed to the clothing of the wearer, depending on how inconspicuous the individual in question wishes to be.

Fighting Style:

Although as mentioned previously many of the Kamiyama prefer to avoid conflict, those who are trained in the arts of combat or who believe they have no other choice but to fight in order to protect others or themselves, do indeed have their own style of combat. The Kamiyama, unlike most shinobi, train almost exclusively in Techniques which rely on strictly physical attributes with Chakra being utilized mainly for boosting effects or empowering certain Techniques. As a result of this, they are often able to outlast their opponents simply due to the fact that they are able to use their Chakra Reserves to restore their Stamina without worrying about needing the lost Chakra.

If a Kamiyama does choose to fight with Ninjutsu or related techniques, these are more often than not subtle Techniques that could be used from the shadows or otherwise be more difficult for the target to detect that they are being attacked in the first place. It is for this reason that the Kamiyama has a special fondness for Genjutsu techniques and allow these to be studied in circumstances where ordinary Ninjutsu is not allowed. However, it is worth noting that simply because the Kamiyama disapproves of utilizing Ninjutsu or related Techniques, this does not mean that a Kamiyama cannot ever utilize such techniques - merely they face the threat of being shunned by others within the Clan in doing so.

Many Kamiyama focus themselves, however, on the study of Kenjutsu and Taijutsu, with these schools being taught from a young age to a majority of those who are a part of the Clan. It is for this reason that most Kamiyama have not only gained a reputation as zealous religious figures but also as impressively strong and physically capable individuals despite their outward appearances.


As one may expect, most of the Kamiyama culture revolves around religion and the eternal debate within the Clan of whether or not their beliefs should be impressed upon others or if they should instead allow others to make the choice themselves to follow their spiritual advice. Aside from this, most of the difficulties that Kamiyama face when dealing with one another is the wide range of intensity at which other Kamiyama believe in their faith versus how much they believe that faith should be enforced on one another as well as others. This can lead rather predictably to Kamiyama singling one another out for being too lenient or too strict in regards to their beliefs and is partly to blame for the splintering of radical Kamiyama into the "Harmony" faction.

The Kamiyama believe in multiple Gods, although chief among these, they believe that a singular "Mother" is responsible for creating life on their planet as well as for gifting the inhabitants with the mystical force of Chakra. It is because of this belief that they see utilizing Chakra for destruction and death practically as a direct insult to this Kami, due to the fact that Chakra was in their minds originally intended for creation and sustenance rather than for the aforementioned ways.

More pious Kamiyama often begin their days with a prayer to a God or Gods of their choosing, providing a share of each meal in which they partake to a shrine devoted to the Gods in order to display their respect for these Gods. Prayer is then performed two more times during the day, once at midday and once at sunset as well as once during the night before the individual is to sleep. It is considered bad luck to stay up all night, however, as one would be forgoing one of their daily prayers and as a result could risk angering the Gods in some manner by doing so.

The Kamiyama address one another politely, even among those who disagree with one another, utilizing honorifics when appropriate and often referring to one another by familial titles as they do toward adopted members of the Clan. It is considered to be an extreme sign of disrespect and disdain for an individual to refuse addressing another Kamiyama by their name alone and such is reserved for those who the aggressor intends to fight at a point in the future.

The exception to this would be in regards to lovers and married individuals, who often refer to one another by first name alone yet perform a gesture of some sort such as a bow to show their intention of meaning no disrespect toward the recipient. One is also expected to bow or kneel before senior members of the Clan in reverence and refusing to do so can be seen as a challenge or perhaps a sign of outwardly being flirtatious with such an individual.

Navigating the many subtleties of interacting with a Kamiyama can be difficult at times due to their rather traditionalistic nature, however, it is fortunate that even though there is an ocean of undocumented minutia regarding Kamiyama customs that many of the less radical members of the Clan are more than willing to forgive a stranger for such faux-pas so long as they are willing to acknowledge their mistakes.


Posts : 16
Join date : 2019-08-16

Shinobi Profile
Rank: Kage
Village: The best

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