Naruto: Shadow War
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Jutsu Rules

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:55 am by The Lorekeeper

Jutsu Base Damage By Rank:

  • E-Rank Damage: 5
  • D-Rank Damage: 10
  • C-Rank Damage: 20
  • B-Rank Damage: 30
  • A-Rank Damage: 50
  • S-Rank Damage: 75
  • SS-Rank Damage: 100

Damage may be increased to up to double the base amount before modifiers are applied, however, each point added onto the Damage will cost an additional point in Stamina and for every increase of 1/4th over the base amount the number of posts …

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Sachiko Kamiyama Empty Sachiko Kamiyama

Post by Sachiko Kamiyama Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:23 pm

Name: Sachiko Kamiyama
Alias: The Red Queen
Age:  21
Gender: Female
Village: Yamagakure
Rank: Kage

Element(s): Lightning, Fire, Wind.
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Kinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu.

Positive Traits:

  • [Free] Queen's Influence:
    "Have an extra fee, for all of your help."
    Any ally who is in the same thread from Start to Finish gains double Ryo when trading Wordcount to Ryo. This does not stack with other Ryo multipliers or Bonuses for this purpose.

  • Royal Advisors:
    "My Queen, You may wish to be careful with this one..."
    Knowledge of any Missing Ninja above B-Rank, excluding those who have not made or entered an Open Thread with a member of Yamagakure, this also includes knowledge of the individual's publically used Techniques up to A-Rank.

  • Harmony Of Mind, Body, and Soul:
    "I have trained for this moment!"
    All Emotion-Effecting or Mind-Altering Genjutsu are treated as one rank lower for the purposes of escaping. This also grants a +20 to Chakra for the purposes of overpowering Genjutsu, although this additional Chakra is not counted toward any other purpose.

Negative Traits:

  • Studied, Not Experienced:
    "I am not sure that I understand..."
    Wordcount for learning any Techniques, KKG, or otherwise from other Shinobi is increased twofold (2x).

  • Slow Handsigns:
    "Are these the correct signs?"
    Ninjutsu-specific Techniques require an additional APP to perform, Ninjutsu techniques which require a full post still only require a full post however no other actions can be taken during this post.

Appearance Image:

Formerly, Sachiko had been quiet, although dedicated in her training and stalwart in her belief that her home village of Kumogakure would be safe in their alliance with Konohagakure as well as that the alliance would allow them all to live on without fear under the protection of the continent's most powerful Village at the time. However, after Konohagakure's betrayal of her people during the "Last Great Shinobi War" she has shifted from optimistic views regarding alliances to an intense belief that no one can truly be trusted to live up to their word in this world and that alliances serve only as temporary ceasefires or means to betray one another behind closed doors and nothing more.

Her attitude has, since the destruction of Kumogakure five years ago, shifted into that of a stern and at times cold ruler who believes in creating a better future for her people and their children even if doing so requires her to become vilified in the eyes of some. In Sachiko's mind, the only way to prevent dissent or her planned future for what is now Yamagakure being stalled in any way - is to act swiftly and without hesitation, otherwise, she may be seen as weak or incapable of guiding her people. She does predictably given her history hold a special softness toward children and will often look the other way toward young individuals who commit minor crimes within her walls and often attempts to personally train as many young students and shinobi when at all possible in the hopes that doing so may put them on the path she believes to be right and understand that Sachiko only has their best interests at heart.

Around those within her own age group, Sachiko is formal and oftentimes acts very much as one would predict a leader of a Major Village in that she holds a distinct aura of power and awe that seems to follow in her wake. She will not attempt to converse often with others of her own age, however, mainly due to her formerly mentioned beliefs that practically all individuals who could wish to form an alliance of any sort are simply wishing to do so for their own gain. If she does, however, these conversations are often short and contain typically only the essential information or message which Sachiko wished to convey.

Sachiko holds the largest respect for her elders and oftentimes the elders of other Villages, as many of those which had been in her own Village had done all that was within their power to protect the children who were in danger even at the cost of their own lives - an act which she has personally dubbed as "The noblest act of sacrifice we will ever see." which highlights her appreciation of these individuals. It is with elders that Sachiko will go out of her way to attempt to converse with and will more than willingly listen to any tales of wisdom or insight which an elder may have to offer her, doing so genuinely enraptured and with the utmost respect for the speaker in question. It is no surprise that she treats these elders in much the same way she does children within her walls, if not with some more responsibility being placed on their shoulders, treating these individuals as kindly as possible within the confines of the law, even those who hail from other nations.

Despite an individual's age or class, if one angers Sachiko they will find that instead of the temperant if not at times stern ruler that they have brought about the ire of an individual who is more than willing to persecute or even at times outright execute those who have turned their backs on her people or her personally. She has absolutely no patience for traitors and any shinobi who defects from the Village is slain on sight - with the only exception being Jinchuriki if it is possible to return them to the Village alive. She may also be somewhat vindictive at times, going out of her way to publicly punish those who have gone against her if such was done in a way that had insulted her personally in some manner or another and even being willing to punish those closest to the offender if she believes that doing so will prevent a future issue from arising.

Her devotion to her own Clan and her belief that she is 'Holy' in nature serve as natural temperance to these more dangerous attitudes, forcing Sachiko to be fairly conservative with how often she delivers harsh or unjust punishments as well as guiding the very nature in which she addresses and sees her people. It is possible, though, that this very same devotion and pious nature could be manipulated and altered in such a way that she would believe unequivocally in any radical change to her own methods if convinced that it would either be the 'Holy' thing to do, or that it would promise a future for her people in some way.


Chapter I: Beginnings

Sachiko was born in Kumogakure approximately fifteen years before the beginning of the Last Great Shinobi War. The girl had been raised by a pair of pious parents belonging to the Kamiyama clan, her father having been the current Raikage at the time and her Mother the assistant-Raikage in turn. Sachiko would, throughout her early childhood, be taught vigorously in the Clan's ways as well as learning to adapt their unique approach to the Shinobi arts which focused upon harnessing of Chakra almost entirely for non-combative means and instead on utilizing such for Medical Techniques and for channeling to maximize one's own personal strengths rather than for most of the other supernatural feats common among the shinobi world.

Although she would be taught extensively on shinobi techniques and on how to counter them, Sachiko was not encouraged or expected to utilize such techniques herself. Instead, she would be taught in the ways of sword-wielding warriors across the nations and would eventually find this to be her primary strength as she was able to channel Chakra effectively into her blade for a variety of techniques which were subtle yet incredibly useful in their versatility. She would also find herself drawn to the study of techniques that were not only forbidden by her family but by the entirety of the shinobi world at large, finding these techniques to be extremely interesting in their application as well as possibly being useful for the simple fact that due to the very nature of these techniques, very little information on how to counter them existed, which made them extremely potent.

Sachiko would also be taught the healing arts as was the custom of her family, although she could not find herself enthralled by this subject to the extent of the other two. As such, she only learned the bare essentials of what was necessary, as well as a few other things which would help in her use of such techniques, though not much else other than this, mainly as a result of the fact that due to her parent's discouragement of the typical Ninjutsu Arts and her own difficulty in understanding the complexity required to perform Medical Ninjutsu techniques.

Her childhood consisted mainly of this, learning and studying various schools of shinobi arts and discovering those which she had a natural affinity for. Her family sheltered the young child intensely, not wishing her to come to any harm by attending the Village's Academy and instead would have her privately tutored by a Jounin who was a friend of the family. This training went smoothly, all things considered, and she was even allowed a special exemption thanks to her family's connections to the Raikage to be allowed to 'Graduate' the Academy despite her having never attended a lesson in the actual building.

Chapter II: Trial By Fire

Despite having no prior combat experience, Sachiko was chosen as one of several groups of fresh Genin which were placed under the command of various Jounin leaders and tasked with assisting Konohagakure in reconnaissance operations to assist in their upcoming assault upon the nation of Kirigakure as the majority of more senior troops had already been deployed in fighting skirmishes against Iwagakure and Sunagakure which were growing more and more extensive and bloody by the day. Her first mission was a rather simple one, to travel alone to the outskirts of a Kirigakure-controlled compound and gather any information that she could on their plans and troops, however, due to her lack of experience and inability to perform complex Ninjutsu techniques effectively - she was quickly captured and Genjutsu techniques were used to interrogate the young girl and forcing her to reveal the intent of her mission, as well as the location of her own Squad's camp.

She was, fortunately, rescued soon after this and would explain the situation to the Jounin in charge of the operation who was quick to gather their belongings and move the location of their camp in order to avoid being caught by the enemy. Although they had not managed to gain much in the way of information, the distraction provided by the Kirigakure Shinobi's belief that their camp was still where it had previously been provided enough time for the group to flank their enemy and dispatch them with some effort on their part.

After their partial success, Sachiko and her Squad accompanied their Konohagakure allies and assisted them in assaulting Kirigakure itself where they would experience first-hand the destruction that befell the village and the utter ruthlessness which their allies acted with. It was through this experience that Sachiko would first begin to realize that Konohagakure in its current state had become so largely powerful, that they believed themselves unable to face repercussions for their actions - no matter how horrific or barbaric they may be.

Following the assault on Kirigakure, Sachiko and her Squad would return home, although they took particular note of the strange glances which they received from their Konohagakure allies as they entered the village gates. They were acting strange, however, there was nothing to be done and Kumogakure itself believed they had little to fear from those who they had allied with against Kirigakure.

Chapter III: Betrayal

Soon after returning to Kumogakure, their allies would suddenly bring the entirety of their forces within the walls of the Village and announce outright that if the Raikage did not immediately abdicate his position and give control of the city to Konohagakure, then a substantial portion of the population would be killed without remorse. Believing that Konohagakure would never be so bold as to turn against their own ally and decimate their population in such a manner, the Raikage rejected the demand and found - all too soon, that Konohagakure had been utterly serious about their threats.

Sachiko, along with her younger sister Mirai, were among some of a small portion of the population which had managed to conceal themselves within the very mountains that had served as the base upon which their Village had been built. These winding caves provided a thankfully effective method of hiding from their former allies who continued to burn their village as Sachiko along with her younger sister and others would wait out the horror as quietly as they could.

Once the dust had effectively settled and the destruction had commenced, Sachiko and the others would emerge from the caves to find their village laid to ruins and most of their adult population slaughtered - including the Raikage and Sannin who had all died attempting to fight the combined force of nearly the entirety of Konohagakure's forces.

Sachiko and the other shinobi of the village would do their best to persevere after the disaster, rebuilding the village building by building and the few elders and senior shinobi who were left going to work in training the younger shinobi who would be forced to, at an early age, become the new main defensive force of the village in the event that Konohagakure someday returned. Sachiko herself, as she belonged to the same clan which the Raikage had hailed from, would be chosen to be taught and brought up as a new leader of the village once she had become ready. Mirai, her younger sister, would be chosen to be appointed as Sachiko's assistant once the elder of the two sisters had reached the age at which she could assume the responsibilities of the Raikage.

Chapter IV: Ascension

Training for the next three years, Sachiko would be forced to mature and grow rapidly as well as train in the shinobi arts with fervor the likes of which was practically unheard of, at least among her peers who were astonished by the fact that the formerly quiet and reclusive Sachiko had so quickly grown into a stalwart, if not somewhat cold, young woman who trained herself as often as she trained with the elders of the village. It is also rumored that throughout this period of training to become the new ruler of Kumogakure, Sachiko would be guided along by a mysterious religious figure who instilled within the young woman the ideals of an ideology that promised a bright future and sense of purpose for both her and those of her village, an ideology which she supposedly was eager to accept and adopt as her own.

Sachiko was sworn in as an interim ruler at the age of eighteen, although she would not assume any actual leadership role of the village until she reached the age of twenty. In the meantime, her tutor was given control of the village and its military to do with as they wished so long as both they and Sachiko agreed upon which actions to take. Effectively, the young girl had been made the Assistant Raikage until she reached the accepted age to assume the actual role. During this time, not much is known as to what exactly Sachiko was responsible for or what actions she herself took in regards to village policy and the rules which governed the people within its walls; what is known, however, is that by the time Sachiko reached the age of twenty, she was no longer to be accepted as a Raikage.

She was to be crowned a Queen.

Chapter V: The Red Queen

Adopting the title of Queen, Sachiko would be quick to christen the former village of Kumogakure now informally as the City of "Kuraudoshiti", rejecting the idea that they were merely a village and instead asserting that they would become much, much more than that over the coming years; although, for the purposes of foreign affairs and simplicity, they would also adopt the name of "Yamagakure" when dealing with other nations and for more formal political matters. Their system of Monarchy was expanded, with other areas of the shinobi forces adopting new titles to allow them to more easily be distinguished from the likes of shinobi in other nations who they had begun to see as outdated and ill-fitting for the world that Sachiko envisioned for not only her people but the world at large.

Yamagakure adopted a nation-wide religion which she would instruct all of those loyal to her ideals to adopt as well as to encourage others to convert as well for the sake of unity among those within the village. Soon, this religion would become mandated among those who wished to gain favor with Sachiko herself and eventually, inevitably, those who did not follow Sachiko's beliefs were soon finding themselves the targets of attacks and imprisonment which would begin to divide the village on those who believed firmly in the organized religion and those who sought to distance themselves or those who believed, yet did not believe in the methods taken by the Monarchy in enforcing the religion as well as in punishing those who rejected it.

Although they had changed to such a drastic degree over the currently only year-long reign of Sachiko, the village has surprisingly found themselves united with purpose under the new religion and most could not argue with the fact that Sachiko, despite her heavy-handed ways, had managed to successfully train a rather impressive amount of the remaining village youth and even defend Yamagakure against various threats from Missing Ninja and even rogue bands of the remaining Konohagakure forces. It is because of these reasons, along with Sachiko's universally equal treatment of her villagers without regards to economic class or other factors, that has allowed her to keep a relatively strong base of support from which she is able to draw in order to keep belief in her intentions and visions for the future alive.

Currently, Sachiko plans on expanding the sphere of influence which her village holds by sending missionaries to the various Major Nations in the hopes that either her religion or her words will find some sort of foothold in the minds of foreign shinobi and, perhaps, even cause some to seek out her nation and abandon their own former allegiances to do so. If such plans prove ineffectual, however, Sachiko is more than willing to show other nations why it is that she has been named "The Red Queen" by those who oppose her.

Last edited by Sachiko Kamiyama on Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
Sachiko Kamiyama
Sachiko Kamiyama

Posts : 6
Join date : 2019-09-05

Shinobi Profile
Rank: Kage
Village: Yamagakure
Ryo: 40,000

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Sachiko Kamiyama Empty Re: Sachiko Kamiyama

Post by Kino Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:43 pm

Sachiko Kamiyama wrote:Name: Sachiko Kamiyama
Alias: The Red Queen
Age:  21
Gender: Female
Village: Yamagakure
Rank: Kage

Element(s): Lightning, Fire, Wind.
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Kinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu.

Positive Traits:

  • [Free] Queen's Influence:
    "Have an extra fee, for all of your help."
    Any ally who is in the same thread from Start to Finish gains double Ryo when trading Wordcount to Ryo. This does not stack with other Ryo multipliers or Bonuses for this purpose.

  • Royal Advisors:
    "My Queen, You may wish to be careful with this one..."
    Knowledge of any Missing Ninja above B-Rank, excluding those who have not made or entered an Open Thread with a member of Yamagakure, this also includes knowledge of the individual's publically used Techniques up to A-Rank.

  • Harmony Of Mind, Body, and Soul:
    "I have trained for this moment!"
    All Emotion-Effecting or Mind-Altering Genjutsu are treated as one rank lower for the purposes of escaping. This also grants a +20 to Chakra for the purposes of overpowering Genjutsu, although this additional Chakra is not counted toward any other purpose.

Negative Traits:

  • Studied, Not Experienced:
    "I am not sure that I understand..."
    Wordcount for learning any Techniques, KKG, or otherwise from other Shinobi is increased twofold (2x).

  • Slow Handsigns:
    "Are these the correct signs?"
    Ninjutsu-specific Techniques require an additional APP to perform, Ninjutsu techniques which require a full post still only require a full post however no other actions can be taken during this post.

Appearance Image:

Formerly, Sachiko had been quiet, although dedicated in her training and stalwart in her belief that her home village of Kumogakure would be safe in their alliance with Konohagakure as well as that the alliance would allow them all to live on without fear under the protection of the continent's most powerful Village at the time. However, after Konohagakure's betrayal of her people during the "Last Great Shinobi War" she has shifted from optimistic views regarding alliances to an intense belief that no one can truly be trusted to live up to their word in this world and that alliances serve only as temporary ceasefires or means to betray one another behind closed doors and nothing more.

Her attitude has, since the destruction of Kumogakure five years ago, shifted into that of a stern and at times cold ruler who believes in creating a better future for her people and their children even if doing so requires her to become vilified in the eyes of some. In Sachiko's mind, the only way to prevent dissent or her planned future for what is now Yamagakure being stalled in any way - is to act swiftly and without hesitation, otherwise, she may be seen as weak or incapable of guiding her people. She does predictably given her history hold a special softness toward children and will often look the other way toward young individuals who commit minor crimes within her walls and often attempts to personally train as many young students and shinobi when at all possible in the hopes that doing so may put them on the path she believes to be right and understand that Sachiko only has their best interests at heart.

Around those within her own age group, Sachiko is formal and oftentimes acts very much as one would predict a leader of a Major Village in that she holds a distinct aura of power and awe that seems to follow in her wake. She will not attempt to converse often with others of her own age, however, mainly due to her formerly mentioned beliefs that practically all individuals who could wish to form an alliance of any sort are simply wishing to do so for their own gain. If she does, however, these conversations are often short and contain typically only the essential information or message which Sachiko wished to convey.

Sachiko holds the largest respect for her elders and oftentimes the elders of other Villages, as many of those which had been in her own Village had done all that was within their power to protect the children who were in danger even at the cost of their own lives - an act which she has personally dubbed as "The noblest act of sacrifice we will ever see." which highlights her appreciation of these individuals. It is with elders that Sachiko will go out of her way to attempt to converse with and will more than willingly listen to any tales of wisdom or insight which an elder may have to offer her, doing so genuinely enraptured and with the utmost respect for the speaker in question. It is no surprise that she treats these elders in much the same way she does children within her walls, if not with some more responsibility being placed on their shoulders, treating these individuals as kindly as possible within the confines of the law, even those who hail from other nations.

Despite an individual's age or class, if one angers Sachiko they will find that instead of the temperant if not at times stern ruler that they have brought about the ire of an individual who is more than willing to persecute or even at times outright execute those who have turned their backs on her people or her personally. She has absolutely no patience for traitors and any shinobi who defects from the Village is slain on sight - with the only exception being Jinchuriki if it is possible to return them to the Village alive. She may also be somewhat vindictive at times, going out of her way to publicly punish those who have gone against her if such was done in a way that had insulted her personally in some manner or another and even being willing to punish those closest to the offender if she believes that doing so will prevent a future issue from arising.

Her devotion to her own Clan and her belief that she is 'Holy' in nature serve as natural temperance to these more dangerous attitudes, forcing Sachiko to be fairly conservative with how often she delivers harsh or unjust punishments as well as guiding the very nature in which she addresses and sees her people. It is possible, though, that this very same devotion and pious nature could be manipulated and altered in such a way that she would believe unequivocally in any radical change to her own methods if convinced that it would either be the 'Holy' thing to do, or that it would promise a future for her people in some way.


Chapter I: Beginnings

Sachiko was born in Kumogakure approximately fifteen years before the beginning of the Last Great Shinobi War. The girl had been raised by a pair of pious parents belonging to the Kamiyama clan, her father having been the current Raikage at the time and her Mother the assistant-Raikage in turn. Sachiko would, throughout her early childhood, be taught vigorously in the Clan's ways as well as learning to adapt their unique approach to the Shinobi arts which focused upon harnessing of Chakra almost entirely for non-combative means and instead on utilizing such for Medical Techniques and for channeling to maximize one's own personal strengths rather than for most of the other supernatural feats common among the shinobi world.

Although she would be taught extensively on shinobi techniques and on how to counter them, Sachiko was not encouraged or expected to utilize such techniques herself. Instead, she would be taught in the ways of sword-wielding warriors across the nations and would eventually find this to be her primary strength as she was able to channel Chakra effectively into her blade for a variety of techniques which were subtle yet incredibly useful in their versatility. She would also find herself drawn to the study of techniques that were not only forbidden by her family but by the entirety of the shinobi world at large, finding these techniques to be extremely interesting in their application as well as possibly being useful for the simple fact that due to the very nature of these techniques, very little information on how to counter them existed, which made them extremely potent.

Sachiko would also be taught the healing arts as was the custom of her family, although she could not find herself enthralled by this subject to the extent of the other two. As such, she only learned the bare essentials of what was necessary, as well as a few other things which would help in her use of such techniques, though not much else other than this, mainly as a result of the fact that due to her parent's discouragement of the typical Ninjutsu Arts and her own difficulty in understanding the complexity required to perform Medical Ninjutsu techniques.

Her childhood consisted mainly of this, learning and studying various schools of shinobi arts and discovering those which she had a natural affinity for. Her family sheltered the young child intensely, not wishing her to come to any harm by attending the Village's Academy and instead would have her privately tutored by a Jounin who was a friend of the family. This training went smoothly, all things considered, and she was even allowed a special exemption thanks to her family's connections to the Raikage to be allowed to 'Graduate' the Academy despite her having never attended a lesson in the actual building.

Chapter II: Trial By Fire

Despite having no prior combat experience, Sachiko was chosen as one of several groups of fresh Genin which were placed under the command of various Jounin leaders and tasked with assisting Konohagakure in reconnaissance operations to assist in their upcoming assault upon the nation of Kirigakure as the majority of more senior troops had already been deployed in fighting skirmishes against Iwagakure and Sunagakure which were growing more and more extensive and bloody by the day. Her first mission was a rather simple one, to travel alone to the outskirts of a Kirigakure-controlled compound and gather any information that she could on their plans and troops, however, due to her lack of experience and inability to perform complex Ninjutsu techniques effectively - she was quickly captured and Genjutsu techniques were used to interrogate the young girl and forcing her to reveal the intent of her mission, as well as the location of her own Squad's camp.

She was, fortunately, rescued soon after this and would explain the situation to the Jounin in charge of the operation who was quick to gather their belongings and move the location of their camp in order to avoid being caught by the enemy. Although they had not managed to gain much in the way of information, the distraction provided by the Kirigakure Shinobi's belief that their camp was still where it had previously been provided enough time for the group to flank their enemy and dispatch them with some effort on their part.

After their partial success, Sachiko and her Squad accompanied their Konohagakure allies and assisted them in assaulting Kirigakure itself where they would experience first-hand the destruction that befell the village and the utter ruthlessness which their allies acted with. It was through this experience that Sachiko would first begin to realize that Konohagakure in its current state had become so largely powerful, that they believed themselves unable to face repercussions for their actions - no matter how horrific or barbaric they may be.

Following the assault on Kirigakure, Sachiko and her Squad would return home, although they took particular note of the strange glances which they received from their Konohagakure allies as they entered the village gates. They were acting strange, however, there was nothing to be done and Kumogakure itself believed they had little to fear from those who they had allied with against Kirigakure.

Chapter III: Betrayal

Soon after returning to Kumogakure, their allies would suddenly bring the entirety of their forces within the walls of the Village and announce outright that if the Raikage did not immediately abdicate his position and give control of the city to Konohagakure, then a substantial portion of the population would be killed without remorse. Believing that Konohagakure would never be so bold as to turn against their own ally and decimate their population in such a manner, the Raikage rejected the demand and found - all too soon, that Konohagakure had been utterly serious about their threats.

Sachiko, along with her younger sister Mirai, were among some of a small portion of the population which had managed to conceal themselves within the very mountains that had served as the base upon which their Village had been built. These winding caves provided a thankfully effective method of hiding from their former allies who continued to burn their village as Sachiko along with her younger sister and others would wait out the horror as quietly as they could.

Once the dust had effectively settled and the destruction had commenced, Sachiko and the others would emerge from the caves to find their village laid to ruins and most of their adult population slaughtered - including the Raikage and Sannin who had all died attempting to fight the combined force of nearly the entirety of Konohagakure's forces.

Sachiko and the other shinobi of the village would do their best to persevere after the disaster, rebuilding the village building by building and the few elders and senior shinobi who were left going to work in training the younger shinobi who would be forced to, at an early age, become the new main defensive force of the village in the event that Konohagakure someday returned. Sachiko herself, as she belonged to the same clan which the Raikage had hailed from, would be chosen to be taught and brought up as a new leader of the village once she had become ready. Mirai, her younger sister, would be chosen to be appointed as Sachiko's assistant once the elder of the two sisters had reached the age at which she could assume the responsibilities of the Raikage.

Chapter IV: Ascention

Training for the next three years, Sachiko would be forced to mature and grow rapidly as well as train in the shinobi arts with fervor the likes of which was practically unheard of, at least among her peers who were astonished by the fact that the formerly quiet and reclusive Sachiko had so quickly grown into a stalwart, if not somewhat cold, young woman who trained herself as often as she trained with the elders of the village. It is also rumored that throughout this period of training to become the new ruler of Kumogakure, Sachiko would be guided along by a mysterious religious figure who instilled within the young woman the ideals of an ideology that promised a bright future and sense of purpose for both her and those of her village, an ideology which she supposedly was eager to accept and adopt as her own.

Sachiko was sworn in as an interim ruler at the age of eighteen, although she would not assume any actual leadership role of the village until she reached the age of twenty. In the meantime, her tutor was given control of the village and its military to do with as they wished so long as both they and Sachiko agreed upon which actions to take. Effectively, the young girl had been made the Assistant Raikage until she reached the accepted age to assume the actual role. During this time, not much is known as to what exactly Sachiko was responsible for or what actions she herself took in regards to village policy and the rules which governed the people within its walls; what is known, however, is that by the time Sachiko reached the age of twenty, she was no longer to be accepted as a Raikage.

She was to be crowned a Queen.

Chapter V: The Red Queen

Adopting the title of Queen, Sachiko would be quick to christen the former village of Kumogakure now informally as the City of "Kuraudoshiti", rejecting the idea that they were merely a village and instead asserting that they would become much, much more than that over the coming years; although, for the purposes of foreign affairs and simplicity, they would also adopt the name of "Yamagakure" when dealing with other nations and for more formal political matters. Their system of Monarchy was expanded, with other areas of the shinobi forces adopting new titles to allow them to more easily be distinguished from the likes of shinobi in other nations who they had begun to see as outdated and ill-fitting for the world that Sachiko envisioned for not only her people but the world at large.

Yamagakure adopted a nation-wide religion which she would instruct all of those loyal to her ideals to adopt as well as to encourage others to convert as well for the sake of unity among those within the village. Soon, this religion would become mandated among those who wished to gain favor with Sachiko herself and eventually, inevitably, those who did not follow Sachiko's beliefs were soon finding themselves the targets of attacks and imprisonment which would begin to divide the village on those who believed firmly in the organized religion and those who sought to distance themselves or those who believed, yet did not believe in the methods taken by the Monarchy in enforcing the religion as well as in punishing those who rejected it.

Although they had changed to such a drastic degree over the currently only year-long reign of Sachiko, the village has surprisingly found themselves united with purpose under the new religion and most could not argue with the fact that Sachiko, despite her heavy-handed ways, had managed to successfully train a rather impressive amount of the remaining village youth and even defend Yamagakure against various threats from Missing Ninja and even rogue bands of the remaining Konohagakure forces. It is because of these reasons, along with Sachiko's universally equal treatment of her villagers without regards to economic class or other factors, that has allowed her to keep a relatively strong base of support from which she is able to draw in order to keep belief in her intentions and visions for the future alive.

Currently, Sachiko plans on expanding the sphere of influence which her village holds by sending missionaries to the various Major Nations in the hopes that either her religion or her words will find some sort of foothold in the minds of foreign shinobi and, perhaps, even cause some to seek out her nation and abandon their own former allegiances to do so. If such plans prove ineffectual, however, Sachiko is more than willing to show other nations why it is that she has been named "The Red Queen" by those who oppose her.


Posts : 16
Join date : 2019-08-16

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Rank: Kage
Village: The best

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