Naruto: Shadow War
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Jutsu Rules

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:55 am by The Lorekeeper

Jutsu Base Damage By Rank:

  • E-Rank Damage: 5
  • D-Rank Damage: 10
  • C-Rank Damage: 20
  • B-Rank Damage: 30
  • A-Rank Damage: 50
  • S-Rank Damage: 75
  • SS-Rank Damage: 100

Damage may be increased to up to double the base amount before modifiers are applied, however, each point added onto the Damage will cost an additional point in Stamina and for every increase of 1/4th over the base amount the number of posts …

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Jinchuriki List



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Suzu Nekomata (WIP)

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Suzu Nekomata (WIP) Empty Suzu Nekomata (WIP)

Post by Suzu Nekomata Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:56 am

Name: Suzu Nekomata
Alias: The Demonic Feline
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Village: Missing Ninja, Konohagakure (Formerly)
Rank: C-Rank Missing Ninja (Chuunin)

Element(s): Fire
Specialization: Ninjutsu
Positive Traits:

  • [Jinchuriki] Loner: Training Solo gives the same benefits as Combat/Training threads which normally require at least 1 additional player.
  • [Free] Fast Matabolism: Poisons, Sickness and Diseases last one post less than normal.
  • Twice as Bright: Fire Ninjutsu techniques deal an additional 50% (1/2) of their Base Damage.

Negative Traits:

  • [Jinchuriki] Ostracized: As a result of their often loner-centric lifestyle and the fact that they are typically shunned by the community at large, all WC gains from threads which are not Solo or do not include their Squad/Team/Group are reduced by 1/2.
  • Half As Long: Fire Ninjutsu Techniques cost double (2x) their normal Stamina Cost.

Appearance Image:

Personality: Suzu is, as expected from both her Clan's traditions and her being a Jinchuriki, very much a loner in nature and often avoids others unless absolutely necessary. Her general mood is one of contempt for most, due to the fact that she was shown very little in the way of kindness in her earlier years and especially now finds herself lacking in those she believes as being trustworthy after having lost her only home in Konohagakure to the three villages which laid waste to her former home.

Suzu, who had once been at least outgoing around those she was familiar with, is now brooding and gloomy in her demeanor. She will often focus on the negative aspects of her situation rather than any positive ones, believing that if she chooses to remain pessimistic in nature she will not find herself being disappointed by the often cruel realities of life in the future. Suzu only opens herself up somewhat around those she deems as actually trustworthy, who, as mentioned previously, are few and far between. Around these individuals she allows herself to express faint glimmers of optimism and hope, even smiling on occasion.

Towards others, she remains cold and distant, especially toward any Shinobi from one of the three villages who took part in her homeland's destruction. Her belief firmly being that any shinobi from these lands absolutely should not and cannot be trusted as they would more than likely kill her or those she cares about given the opportunity to do so.


Tailed Beast: Two-Tails
Suzu Nekomata
Suzu Nekomata
New User

Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-08-16

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