Naruto: Shadow War
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Jutsu Rules

Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:55 am by The Lorekeeper

Jutsu Base Damage By Rank:

  • E-Rank Damage: 5
  • D-Rank Damage: 10
  • C-Rank Damage: 20
  • B-Rank Damage: 30
  • A-Rank Damage: 50
  • S-Rank Damage: 75
  • SS-Rank Damage: 100

Damage may be increased to up to double the base amount before modifiers are applied, however, each point added onto the Damage will cost an additional point in Stamina and for every increase of 1/4th over the base amount the number of posts …

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Shadow War Stats

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Shadow War Stats Empty Shadow War Stats

Post by The Lorekeeper Sun Aug 25, 2019 7:20 am


Within the world of "Shadow War", Players have six separate stat fields which determine their overall effectiveness in a given field as well as allowing them to calculate several 'sub-stats' which help in determining the outcomes of certain situations.

We will go over the Main Stats first, and then go on to discuss the Sub-Stats, Stat Modifiers, as well as Stat Caps later on.

Main Stats:

Health: Your Shinobi's base health stat, which is essential in determining your actual Health in conjunction with your Endurance stat.

Endurance: Your overall endurance, both Physical and Mental, this Stat allows you to determine the modifier that will be applied to your Health and Stamina.

Chakra: Your ability to manipulate the natural force known as "Chakra", this stat determines the strength of any Ninjutsu techniques as well as any other abilities that utilize Chakra in some way.

Strength: Your raw physical strength, or your ability to make use of physical weapons in the most efficient manner possible. This affects the power of Taijutsu techniques as well as most Bukijutsu and Kenjutsu techniques.

Perception: Your ability to sense both naturally occurring and unnatural changes in your surroundings. This stat is critical in recognizing Genjutsu, as well as utilizing many Sensory Techniques.

Speed: Your speed determines not only your maximum rate of movement but also your ability to react to and avoid enemy attacks.

Sub-Stats and Modifiers:

Now that you have an idea what each of the Main Stats represents, we will now cover Sub-Stats and Modifiers.

Calculating your Modifiers is essential to your enjoyment of "Shadow War" since these Modifiers will determine your Sub-Stats and be important in calculating the damage of various types of Techniques.

These Modifiers can be calculated as follows:

Endurance (Health): Your Endurance Modifier for Health does not apply when determining your Stamina Score, it is important to keep this in mind when calculating to reduce any mistakes later on. Your Health Modifier begins at 1.0 from 1-99 Endurance and increases every 100 Endurance, for example:

At 100 Endurance, your Health increases to 1.5x your base Endurance score, at 200 Endurance, this again increases to 2.0x your base Endurance score.

So, for a player with 158 Endurance and 100 Health, they will have a Modifier of 1.5x as their Endurance is at or above 100 but not above 200. This means that this player will have 150 Health, as 1.5x 100 is 150.

If your Health Stat cannot be rounded evenly, you are allowed to round upwards to the nearest whole number.

Cheat Sheet:

Strength: Your Strength modifier functions nearly identically to your Health Modifier, however, with the important caveat that this Modifier increases per every 50 Stats added to your Base Score rather than every 100. Keep this in mind when calculating your Modifier for Taijutsu or other Physical attacks.

For Example, if the same Player from the previous demonstration had an identical 158 Base Score in Strength, rather than Endurance, their modifiers would be calculated as such:

With a 158 Strength, the player has a 2.5 Modifier which is multiplied against the Base Damage of a Technique.

This means that with a Taijutsu Technique with a Base Damage of 20 used by the same player would do a total of 50 Damage as a result of their 2.5x Modifier.

Cheat Sheet:

Chakra (Ninjutsu): Although the Modifier for Ninjutsu does not scale as high as Strength, do not be fooled, Ninjutsu and related techniques that utilize Chakra are often much more powerful than their physical counterparts, with only those who dedicate their entire lives to the practice of physical techniques being able to rival those who use what is, for a reason, a Shinobi's primary source of strength.

Your Ninjutsu Modifier determines your damage with all Ninjutsu and Chakra-using techniques such as Genjutsu or Puppetry. This Modifier follows the same rules as the Health Modifier which we discussed previously: Beginning at 1.0x at 1-99 and increasing once each threshold of 100 is passed, the Cheat Sheet is provided below again for a reminder on how to determine this Modifier.

Cheat Sheet:


Now that you know about your Modifiers, let us cover Sub-Stats, what they are, what they do, and how you can calculate them.

Stamina: Your Stamina is simple to determine, all you need to do is multiply your Endurance Base Score by two and you will have your Stamina Score.

For Example, a Character with 100 Endurance will have 200 Stamina, and so on.

Movement Speed: Your Movement Speed is determined by dividing your Speed Score by 10 and then applying the result as a Meters Per Second (m/s) value.

For example, a Character who has a Speed of 100, moves at a speed of 10 m/s.

You can move up to half of your maximum speed per post, with maximum speed requiring two posts without interruption to achieve. If you receive damage that totals a number higher than your Armor value, your speed is reduced to half and if you take damage which totals more than half of your health, after armor reduction, then you will be stopped completely and any escape techniques are halted.

Reaction Speed: Your Reaction Speed can be calculated by multiplying your Perception Score by 1.5x, this number is the maximum Speed which you are able to perceive quickly enough in order to react to.

For Example, if you have a Perception of 50, you are able to react to a Technique or Character moving at 75 Speed or lower easily. If it is above this number, but less than 2.0x your Perception, you are able to see the attack or Technique but unable to react accordingly. Anything above 2.0x your Perception is merely seen as a blur, or not seen at all, depending on the Technique.

Actions Per Post: Your Actions Per Post or APP is what determines how many Techniques, or Reactions to Techniques, you are capable of performing in the span of a single post. The Rank of a Jutsu does not determine how many APP it requires to use, however, some Techniques may state that they require a full post or several posts to Activate and such things should be kept in mind when deciding what you will be using during Combat.

You may also choose to use your APP for movement, allowing you to move at half your maximum Speed for 1 APP, maximum speed requiring an uninterrupted post as mentioned prior.

This is determined by your Speed, however, it may be altered by Postive and Negative Traits. For every 25 Speed, your APP increases by 1. All Players have a minimum of 1 APP.

For Example, if you are an Academy Student with only 10 Speed, you will still have one APP. Dodging a Technique requires 1 APP per Technique attempting to be dodged, and also that you meet the previous requirements for Reacting to the Technique in question. Casting a Jutsu in response requires a second APP.

Say you are engaged in Combat with Player B, and you are Player A in this scenario.

For reference, both of you have 100 Speed, and you have 50 Perception.

Player B casts Rasengan at Player A, since you have 50 Perception you are able to see this and React, attempting to Dodge the Technique. Since both of your Speed Scores are equal, you refer to the Jutsu to determine the range at which it is able to be Dodged and see that you are able to do so. Player A then responds by casting a Chidori Senbon after moving 10 Meters away in their post.

Due to the fact that Player A has 100 Speed, they would have 4 APP. Performing the Dodge and Retaliation each cost 1 APP and the Movement cost an additional APP. This totals to the Player having spent 3 out of 4 APP, which will regenerate to 4 APP upon their next post.

Note that APP are not cumulative and reset to your maximum at the beginning of each post.

Armor: Armor determined how much damage you can sustain before taking any actual damage to your Health, this is determined by adding the armor value of any appropriate equipment together as well as any bonuses from certain Techniques which grant Armor to a Player.

Piercing: Piercing determines how much if any, a Technique or Weapon ignores Armor when calculating the damage dealt. Typically speaking, only high-ranking Techniques and Weapons have this quality, at least in amounts large enough to provide a significant advantage, as well as some effects produced by Bijuu or by KKG. This is in the form of either a Percentage or Flat Number of Armor which a Technique negates which is deducted from the Armor Stat directly. Percentages are rounded down if they do not make a whole number.

Stat Caps:

Finally, we will address the last subject in regards to stats: Stat Caps. Stat Caps are the maximum number in any given Stat Field that a Player is capable of achieving. There are two types of Stat Caps, the "Soft Cap" and the "Hard Cap" which we will discuss individually.

Soft Caps:
Soft Caps are the maximum number that a Player is able to allocate into a given main stat field naturally, meaning that once this threshold is reached they can no longer place any more Trained Stats into this field.

Main Stats are all capped at 200 for manual allotment, excluding Jinchuriki, who upon reaching the maximum bond with their Bijuu have a maximum Soft Cap of 300 instead.

Passing the Soft Cap is typically done via either a Buff Technique or Equipment Passive Boost.

Hard Cap:
The Hard Cap is the maximum number that a Player is capable of reaching in a given main stat field. For most individuals, this Hard Cap is set at 300, for Jinchuriki this Hard Cap is raised to 400 at the maximum Bond with their Bijuu.

This number cannot be increased further by any means.


Hopefully, you now have a thorough understanding of Shadow War's stats and how they are calculated as well as how they interact with one another. If you have any questions, feel free to ask either Staff or an experienced Member and check our FAQ section to see if your question can be answered in this way.

Now take to the Shadows, Shinobi.
The Lorekeeper
The Lorekeeper

Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-08-25

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